It's Fall and time for San Antonio Neighbors Together, Tuesday, October 1st, at the Julia Yates Semmes Library, 5:30 to 7:30pm.

A-a-n-d you can now follow us on Facebook!

Regular Meetings

The Friends of Comanche Lookout meets on the second Monday of every month, 7-8pm, at the Julia Yates Semmes Branch Library, at the corner of Judson and Nacogdoches Roads.  If you have questions or concerns about the park, want to rant and rave about park problems, or just want to know what's going on, come join us!

Who Are We?

The Friends of Comanche Lookout is a non-profit citizen's group dedicated to the preservation and improvement of Comanche Lookout Park here in Northeast San Antonio.  By yourself, it's difficult to get your voice heard.  Work with us; City Hall listens.


There are two levels of membership:

  • corresponding - just sign up with your email address at any one of our meetings or events, you'll be added to our mailing list and membership roll.  If you can't make it in person, just send us email, and we'll add you to the list. There are no membership dues, and we do not share or sell our mailing list.
  • participating - once you've signed up, take the next step and start attending our monthly meetings.  Everyone is encouraged to bring new ideas or concerns, and there's no fussy parliamentary procedure to slow things down.

Bulletin Boards

  • The park has protected bulletin boards at the Nacogdoches parking lot, the Fox Run trailhead, and near the outdoor theater adjacent to the Semmes Library.
  • The bulletin boards are open for use by park patrons; please be courteous should you use them.
  • Only two rules:
    • NO TAPE!  Use the push pins provided (or even bring some extra).
    • Don't obscure other patrons postings.